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Tuya TS0601 thermostat not showing temperature

Hi everyone,

I have a Tuya TS0601 thermostat valve - my pizigate (v1) does pick it up and provides me with three widgets in Domoticz. One of them is temperature (of the sensor in the valve) but stays at 0 degrees. I can see that the status is updated on a regular basis but the value in Domoticz doesn't change and stays at zero.

Does anyone have an idea on what might be wrong or what to try next? I have deleted the devices in Domoticz and paired the device again a few times already but without succes.

All help is appreciated!




hi Mark,


Would you mind using the French or English forum

Forum Francophone
Forum Anglophone
Développeur: @pipiche38 disponible sur en chat


In addition, please do report:

- Plugin version

- ZiGate firmware and model

- provide the file export.json from "Plugin Raw Devices (json)" from the Web UI Tools->Tools

Thank you for the redirection, placed my question there:)

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