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Migrate ZiGate USB Stick from Domoticz to Home Assistant

I am slowly moving my Home automation from Domoticz to Home Assistant.
With the Zigate-stick i can use a bit of help on how i should do this.

I am using the same Rasberry Pi 3 for this transition. I have an new SD-card with an Home Assistant installation on it. When i have some spare time, i shut down Domoticz, swap the SD card and continue with setting up HA. When it is time to stop, I stop HA , switch the SD-card and have an running Domoticz again.

When i did this for the first time I also installed Zigbee Home Automation add-on in HA. And tried to get Zigbee working. I was unable to do so and got no working devices. Also pairing did not work. No devices found what so ever. (I did almost the same with my zwave stick and all devices showed up.)

When I started Domoticz again, most of my zigbee devices where gone and lots of errors in the log. I paired the lost sensors again and it worked again.
So something in HA is messing up the ZiGate stick.

So my question is, what is the correct way to migrate my ZiGate stick to HA?


I would suggest to check with the HA forum.
But from a Domoticz user, I'm not surprise , as soon as you are moving to a new App to handle your ZiGate, for sure you are going to create some incosistency as the Zigbee network will evolve a long the time.

Hi pipiche,

Thanks for your reply!

In the mean time I found out ZHA does not support all my devices. This could be one of the causes.
I will ask my question also in the HA forum!


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