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Aqara lumi.sensor_switch.aq2

I just installed zigate usb on my jeedom, and I have installed a wireless switch aqara v2

It seems there is a problem with the simple click. It´s not recognized. With the terminal it shows this two responses at the same time:

RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:93, addr:6c1a, endpoint:1, cluster:6, attribute:0, status:0, data_type:16, size:1, data:False, lqi:78

RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:93, addr:6c1a, endpoint:1, cluster:6, attribute:0, status:0, data_type:16, size:1, data:True, lqi:78


When I click twice, three or four times, it only shows 1 response:

RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:94, addr:6c1a, endpoint:1, cluster:6, attribute:32768, status:0, data_type:32, size:1, data:2, lqi:87


Attached is only a image capture


Thanks for your support



It's not a material problem.

Please go to Jeedom forum to get informations about that.

Sorry for inconvenience.


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